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A Place in the Hills

A Place in the Hills
  • Author(s): Michelle Paver
  • Location(s): Rome, The Pyrenees
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Historical, Romance
  • Era(s): 1st Century AD, Modern

Antonia had become obsessed with a long-dead poet, Cassius. A soldier and lover, he had lived in the hills of Provence in Roman times where Antonia was now engaged in an archaeological dig. Her father was hoping to uncover...

The Food of Love

The Food of Love
  • Author(s): Anthony Capella
  • Location(s): Italy, Rome
  • Genre(s): Food and Drink, Romance
  • Era(s): Modern

Cyrano de Bergerac with a modern feel….

The Rome Affair

The Rome Affair
  • Author(s): Karen Swan
  • Location(s): Rome
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Romance
  • Era(s): 1960s/70s and 2017

The glamorous capital city of Italy is brought to startling life in The Rome Affair, a compelling summer novel by Karen Swan. 1974 and Elena Damiani lives a gilded life. Born to wealth and a noted beauty, no door...

Rome in Love

Rome in Love
  • Author(s): Anita Hughes
  • Location(s): Rome
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Romance
  • Era(s): Modern and 1950s

When Amelia Tate is cast to play the Audrey Hepburn role in a remake of Roman Holiday, she feels as if all her dreams have come true. She has a handsome boyfriend, is portraying her idol in a major...

Only You

Only You
  • Author(s): Kate Eberlen
  • Location(s): Rome, England
  • Genre(s): Romance, Fiction
  • Era(s): 2018/2016

Present Letty and Alf are the only English speakers at an Italian class in Rome, where they discover the language that really connects them is dance: Letty’s first love was ballet, while Alf was a junior ballroom champion. They...

Rome is where the heart is

Rome is where the heart is
  • Author(s): Tilly Tennant
  • Location(s): Rome
  • Genre(s): Romance, Humour
  • Era(s): Modern

Can a holiday romance ever have a happy ending? Escape with Kate to the sun-drenched city of Rome where a love affair is just about to begin … When Kate’s husband Matt dumps her on Friday 13th she decides enough is enough –...

The Apartment in Rome

The Apartment in Rome
  • Author(s): Penny Feeny
  • Location(s): Rome
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Romance
  • Era(s): Modern

When the past comes to your door, what can you do except let it in?Gina’s life is good. She is independent. She loves her adopted home in Italy and she is passionate about her work as a photographer. Maybe...

The Italian Wedding

The Italian Wedding
  • Author(s): Nicky Pellegrino
  • Location(s): London, Rome
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Romance

Pieta Martinelli’s sister is getting married. Since she is a bridal designer it falls to her to make the wedding gown. But Pieta is distracted by a series of unanswered questions. Why is her father feuding with another Italian...

The Wife Who Ran Away

The Wife Who Ran Away
  • Author(s): Tess Stimson
  • Location(s): Rome
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Romance
  • Era(s): Modern

Kate Forrest is invisible… Ned, the husband she adores, doesn’t seem to know she’s alive, and her two charming children have grown into stroppy adolescents. Her boss is suddenly shunting her towards career Siberia, and her demanding mother is...

When in Rome

When in Rome
  • Author(s): Nicky Pellegrino
  • Location(s): Rome
  • Genre(s): Historical, Romance
  • Era(s): 1950s, 1960s

Rome in the 1950s, there’s nowhere quite like it. The narrow stone streets, the fountains and piazzas full of life in the heat of the day, the cafes and bars full of music and desire by night… This is...

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