Blogs in January 2020

Amnesty 1st January 2020

Danny–formerly Dhananjaya Rajaratnam–is an illegal immigrant in Sydney, Australia who fled from Sri Lanka and was denied refugee status. Working as a cleaner, living out of a grocery storeroom, for three years he’s been trying to create a new,...

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Between the Assassinations 15th February 2014

Nestling on India’s southern coast lies the fictional town of Kittur, in West India. Ranging through the city’s streets and schoolyards, bedrooms and businesses, its inner workings and its outer limits, through the myriad and distinctive voices of its...

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The White Tiger 1st January 1970

Balram Halwai, the eponymous ‘white tiger’, is a diminutive, overweight ex-teashop worker who now earns his living as a chauffeur. But this is only one side of his protean personality: he deals in confidence scams, over-ambitious business promotions (built...

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Last Man in Tower 1st January 1970

21st Century Mumbai is a city of new money and soaring real estate, and property kingpin Dharmen Shah has grand plans for its future. His offer to buy and tear down a weathered tower block, making way for luxury...

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