Blogs in June 2023

Foul Deeds and Fine Dying 11th June 2023

Pellegrino Artusi, the great gastronome and amateur detective, is back. It is 1900 and Pellegrino’s famed cookbook is in its fifth edition. Flushed from his fortune and success, our hero joins a weekend party at the Tuscan castle of...

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Game for Five 29th December 2014

At the Bar Lume, in a small seaside town where everyone knows everyone else, barman Massimo and four old-timers pass the time, between hands of cards and shots of coffee, chatting, arguing and theorising about the murder of a...

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The Art of Killing Well 18th June 2014

Nothing could please a chef more than a chance to learn the secrets of a Baron’s castle kitchen. Having travelled the length and breadth of the country compiling his masterpiece, The Science of Cooking and The Art of Eating Well,...

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