Blogs in June 2020

Just Like You 28th June 2020

The person you are with is just like you: same background, same age, same interests. The perfect match. And it is a disaster. Then, when and where you least expect it, you meet someone new. You seem to have...

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Funny Girl 21st February 2020

Barbara Parker is Miss Blackpool of 1964, but she doesn’t want to be a beauty queen. She only wants to make people laugh. So she leaves her hometown behind, takes herself off to London, and lands a life-changing audition...

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Slam 21st February 2020

‘There was this time when everything seemed to have come together. And so obviously it was time to go and screw it all up.’ Sam is sixteen and a skater. Just so there are no terrible misunderstandings: skating =...

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A Long Way Down 21st February 2020

‘Can I explain why I wanted to jump off the top of a tower block?’ For disgraced TV presenter Martin Sharp the answer’s pretty simple: he has, in his own words, ‘pissed his life away’. And on New Year’s...

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How to be Good 21st February 2020

‘I am in a car park in Leeds when I tell my husband I don’t want to be married to him any more. . . ‘ London GP Katie Carr always thought she was a good person. With her...

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