Blogs in December 2021

Dancing Through Life, a Memoir, Volume 2 19th December 2021

Still breathless after the whirlwind of Shirley’s early life as she grapples with growing up and maturing, we follow her youthful footsteps to the next stage. We learn more of the men, the marriages, the triumphs and misfortunes that...

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Dancing Through Life, a Memoir, Volume 1 19th December 2021

Straddling the century, this colourful memoir tells of a childhood with an English rose and an English-German spy as parents, the confusions of a Dickensian schooling, coming of age in London’s legendary sixties, before becoming a cave-dwelling hippy on...

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Braith the Basset 19th December 2021

Sir Frederick Braithwaite was born in Kansas, USA in 1971. He travelled in mum and dad’s car throughout 11 of the United States, accompanying his owners on different work assignments. Every tale in this charming story is completely true....

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Hello Snail 19th December 2021

Sally and her brother, Max, love snails and keep them as pets. Their mum, a snail expert, is keen to tell the children all she knows about these amazing creatures. But when a friend does something horrid, how does...

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Wally and the Bushfire 16th February 2020

Ideal for children transitioning from picture-books-only to text-only books.Wally, a young Australian water dragon, and his beloved friend, the little mouse called Pinky, are caught in an emergency. A terrible bushfire is raging and threatening to kill all in...

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