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Bangkok Wakes To Rain

Bangkok Wakes To Rain

Author(s): Pitchaya Sudbanthad

Location(s): Bangkok

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): 19th century to the future



In the restless city of Bangkok, there is a house.

Over the last two centuries, it has played host to longings and losses past, present, and future, and has witnessed lives shaped by upheaval, memory and the lure of home.

A nineteenth-century missionary pines for the comforts of New England, even as he finds the vibrant foreign chaos of Siam increasingly difficult to resist. A jazz pianist is summoned in the 1970s to conjure music that will pacify resident spirits, even as he’s haunted by ghosts of his former life. A young woman in a time much like our own gives swimming lessons in the luxury condos that have eclipsed the old house, trying to outpace the long shadow of her political past. And in the submerged Bangkok of the future, a band of savvy teenagers guides tourists and former residents past waterlogged landmarks, selling them tissues to wipe their tears for places they themselves do not remember.

Time collapses as their stories collide and converge, linked by blood, memory, yearning, chance, and the forces voraciously making and remaking the amphibian, ever-morphing city itself.

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Author: tripfiction

Bangkok Wakes To Rain is an extraordinary debut novel – ambitious and wide ranging in both its content and its style. People and families are interwoven across centuries – from the end of the...

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