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Author(s): Julian Edge

Location(s): Sardinia

Genre(s): Thriller

Era(s): Present day



Sardinia: Beautiful landscapes, fascinating history and a unique blend of cultures. For Ralph and Clare, a working holiday also offers an opportunity to get their marriage back on track.

Then a chance meeting with Tex and Cass provides new companions on their tour of the island.

But how easy is it to tell welcome short-cuts from dangerous diversions, misunderstandings from deceptions and bad luck from betrayal?

And finally, when everyday existence turns on life-or-death decisions, what does it take to become the hero of your own story?

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Book Reviews

An intriguing mixture!

Author: Parsley Sage

All three aspects of this book work well. It’s partly a heart-rending examination of Ralph and Clare’s marriage, partly a fascinating travelogue of ancient Corsica (must go there!), and partly a hair-raising thriller as...

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An archeological find of a novel

Author: annemccabe

I read Blindsided twice – one reading right after the other. The first time I was on the edge of my seat, needing to know what was going to happen next in this page-turner...

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Great read

Author: ScampDog

I have just finished reading Blindsided and I feel like I have been sat in the monster sharing the journey with Ralph, Clare, Cass and Tex. There was always a sense things were not...

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Stunning Sardinia

Author: Katcha

Sardinia is the star of this book. Wonderful descriptions of food, scenery, antique sites, though not necessarily in that order. Add an exciting international plot, a dash of sex and violence and you have...

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Exciting and intriguing!

Author: Anneliese

“Blindsided” kept me in suspense to the end. The story twists and turns like the roads through the beautifully described Sardinian landscape. It also offers cultural insights, history and philosophical asides. And then, what...

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Author: Patsy

A couple whose long standing marriage is in crisis ( tick)a holiday to try and salvage it at the same time exploring beautiful Sardinia and the archaeological ruins, described in such an assured way...

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An Unobtrusively Profound Potboiler

Author: The Kev

Profundity is seldom found in the most obvious places. One famous example is the fictional rivalry between Salieri and Mozart in Peter Shaffer’s play ‘Amadeus’. Salieri, a picture of studied seriousness and sobriety, laments...

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