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City Primeval

City Primeval

Author(s): Elmore Leonard

Location(s): Detroit

Genre(s): Crime, Fiction

Era(s): 1980

Clement Mansell, knows how easy it is to get away with murder. The crazed killer is back on the Detroit streets — thanks to some nifty courtroom moves by his crafty looker of a lawyer — and he’s feeling invincible enough to execute a crooked Motown judge. Homicide Detective Raymond Cruz thinks the Oklahoma Wildman crossed the line long before this latest outrage, and he’s determined to see that the psycho does not slip through the legal system’s loopholes a second time. But that means a good cop is going to have to play somewhat fast and loose with the rules — in order to maneuver Mansell into a wild Midwest showdown that he won’t be walking away from.

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