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Author(s): John Casey

Location(s): Paris, Berlin

Genre(s): Fiction, Thriller

Era(s): Present day



Michael Dolan is a stoic perfectionist and former special operations pilot working a staff job at the Pentagon. After accepting an improbable CIA request to help prevent impending terrorist attacks in Europe, Dolan finds that of the demons he must prevail against, the most terrible are those from within.

DEVOLUTION is book one of a psychological spy thriller trilogy set primarily is Paris, France and Berlin, Germany. Book two, EVOLUTION, will be released in 2021 followed by REVELATION in 2022. All three will be available in hardcover, paperback, all digital formats, and audiobook (Audible & iTunes, brilliantly narrated by Tom Campbell).

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A thriller with heart

Author: joycey

DEVOLUTION is that rare combustible blend that results when an author’s knowledge of human nature, poetic sensibilities and worldly experience combine to tell a compelling and explosive story. In this case, actual bombs are...

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Author: Donnastram

Author John Casey has created an original and compelling character with protagonist Michael Dolan in the novel Devolution–the first in a trilogy. Dolan unveils great depth to the reader. He is an imperfect person...

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