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Author(s): Isabel Wolff

Location(s): Java, St Mawes

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): 1940s



Jenni is a ghost writer. It’s a job that suits her well. Still haunted by a childhood tragedy, she finds it easier to take refuge in the memories of others than to dwell on her own. Klara was a child in the Second World War. Interned in a camp on Java during the Japanese occupation, she has never before spoken of her ordeal, but as she prepares to turns eighty she knows that the time has come to tell her extraordinary story of survival at last. As Jenni helps Klara to shed light on her childhood, she realises that there are heart-breaking parallels with her own life. Can Jenni and Klara help each other to lay the ghosts of their pasts to rest?

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A stunningly realistic depiction of life in a camp in Java, WW2

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Book set in 1940s Java – terrific evocation

Author: tripfiction

Jenni, in modern day is ghost writing the memoirs of Klara, who looks back at her time of childhood on Java and subsequent internment in a Japanese POW camp. Jenni and Klara are ensconced...

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‘…we should embrace all our memories, whether joyful or painful. They’re all we ever really own in this life.’

Author: littlereader

Jenni is a ghostwriter; she loses herself in the details and intricacies of the lives of others partly to avoid facing up to aspects of her own life in the present and the past....

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