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Girl in Snow

Girl in Snow

Author(s): Danya Kukafka

Location(s): Colorado

Genre(s): Crime, Fiction

Era(s): Contemporary



How can you love someone who’s done something horribly, horribly wrong? When a beloved high schooler named Lucinda Hayes is found murdered, no one in her community is untouched–not the boy who loved her too much; not the girl who wanted her perfect life; not the officer assigned to investigate her murder. In the aftermath of the tragedy, these three indelible characters–Cameron, Jade, and Russ–must each confront their darkest secrets in an effort to find solace, the truth, or both.

In crystalline prose, Danya Kukafka offers a brilliant exploration of identity and of the razor-sharp line between love and obsession, between watching and seeing, between truth and memory.

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Author: tripfiction

3.5* Colorado has this specific smell in the Summer, like pine needles recovering from a miserable winter and hot, red dirt sliding down steep mountainsides Set mainly over three days in February 2005…. School...

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