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Good Scammer

Good Scammer

Author(s): Guy Kennaway

Location(s): Jamaica

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Contemporary



Good Scammer tells the story of Clive ‘Bangaz’ Thompson, an orphan born in west Jamaica raised with no love, education, or prospects of ever getting a decent job. He designs an ingenious business model that brings millions of dollars annually to the little villages around the sandy inlets of the Jamaican coast, making himself a vast personal fortune and a hero to his community. He achieves all of this without using a knife or a gun or even the threat of violence.


Many people see scammers as simple criminals.


But Bangaz’s life, when seen from his perspective as a victim of the theft and duplicity of slavery and colonialism, tells a different, more complex human story. Through his eyes, our sympathy and smiles justifiably remain with him and his righteous band of reparation bredren.

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