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Heartbreak Hotel

Heartbreak Hotel

Author(s): Deborah Moggach

Location(s): Wales

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Modern



When retired actor Buffy decides to up sticks from London and move to rural Wales, he has no idea what he is letting himself in for.

In possession of a run-down B&B that leans more towards the shabby than the chic and is miles from nowhere, he realises he needs to fill the beds – and fast.

Enter a motley collection of guests: Harold, whose wife has run off with a younger woman: Amy, who’s been unexpectedly dumped by her (not-so) weedy boyfriend and Andy, the hypochondriac postman whose girlfriend is much too much for him to handle.

But under Buffy’s watchful eye, this disparate group of strangers find they have more in common than perhaps they first thought…

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“A hilarious romp that showcases Moggach’s loving understanding of human foibles and which you will finish reading feeling a whole lot better about yourself” (Victoria Cooper Red Online)

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