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Munich Airport

Munich Airport

Author(s): Greg Baxter

Location(s): Berlin, Munich

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Modern



An American expat in London, about to enter a meeting, takes a phone call. The caller is a German policewoman. The news she has to convey is almost incomprehensible: the man’s sister, Miriam, has been found dead in her Berlin flat, of starvation. Three weeks later, the man, his elderly father, and an American consular official find themselves in an almost unbearably strange place: a fogbound Munich Airport, where Miriam’s coffin is to be loaded onto a commercial jet. Greg Baxter’s extraordinary novel tells the story of these three people over those three weeks of waiting for Miriam’s body to be released, sifting through her possessions, and trying to work out what could have led her to her awful death.

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Munich Airport – well, it is quite some novel this. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I found it quite riveting.

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