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One Day

Author(s): Abigail Dean

Location(s): The Lake District

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Contemporary

Marty told the reporters that she saw it happen. That when the gunman entered, she saw her mother die trying to protect her pupils.

That’s the version of Day One Marty wishes was true.

But strange inconsistencies in her story begin to surface. Details that don’t add up. Questions she can’t answer.

The story ignites. Amidst the media frenzy, conspiracy theorists become obsessed with exposing what really happened. And at the epicentre of it all is a small community changed forever. Survivors crushed by guilt. Families torn in half. Outsiders consumed by the hunt for truth.

Each has their own version of Day One. Each must grapple with this tragedy, even as fanatics question whether it ever really happened at all.

But what did Marty really see?

And why would she lie?

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