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Author(s): Nick Vasey

Location(s): Tokyo

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Modern



Roppongi is an ‘adventure-travel-fiction’ story, exploring the crazy and often dangerous world which is living and working as a foreigner in the Roppongi nightlife industry of Tokyo, Japan. The novel follows the (mis)adventures of its travel-addicted protagonist Zack, and in that respect is similar thematically to Alex Garland’s ‘The Beach’ or Gregory David Roberts’ ‘Shantaram.’ Accordingly, the reader is viscerally transported into the surreal realms of Roppongi, as Zack attempts to come to terms with a series of life-changing events unfolding at rapid pace. In the process, the novel punches through the impossibly glamorous surface of Roppongi and plunges the reader deep into its seedy underbelly … showing a disturbing side of Japan not often written about in the English language.

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wow, really captures the crazy feel of the Roppongi district of Tokyo. Must read if you are exploring the city!!! Tex Marsden –

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