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The Ballad of Rocky Ruiz

The Ballad of Rocky Ruiz

Author(s): Manuel Ramos

Location(s): Denver

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): 1980s-1990s

Set in the late 1980s or early 1990s in Denver, Colorado, The Ballad of Rocky Ruiz reaches back through time, via Chicano lawyer Luis Móntez, to a night 20 years prior when an ambitious revolutionary, Rocky Ruiz, was gunned down by men in white hoods.

Packed with machismo, mystery, raucous courtroom scenes, and adulation of a young Chicana lawyer, the novel take the reader into an old story of a Chicano brotherhood that is 20 years gone at the beginning of the novel. Móntez and his former revolutionary brothers are no longer young and are established men in their Denver community: an attorney, a judge, a proprietor of an anti-gang, anti-drug community center. Yet when they begin to receive threatening phone calls, Rocky’s traumatizing death, which they’ve spent the past 20 years trying to forget, rushes back to them.

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