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Reflective novel set in Paris (a story of the city)
3rd August 2017
A Week in Paris by Rachel Hore, a reflective novel set in Paris. A...
Thriller set across Venice and Europe, plus L S Hilton shares her top tips for Venice
6th April 2017
Domina by L S Hilton, thriller set across Venice and Europe. This is the...
Eclectic short stories, some will even transport you to Paris!
3rd March 2017
Paris for One by Jojo Moyes, eclectic short stories, some will even transport you...
Your chance to win in our Paris themed competition…
21st February 2017
First prize in our Paris themed competition is a copy of Paris for One by...
Paris trumps Rome in popularity (a tale of two cities…)
3rd February 2017
Who has been to Paris? Who has been to Rome? At TripFiction we have...
Mystery set in Paris, and talking to author Leigh Russell about setting
30th December 2016
Girl in Danger by Leigh Russell, crime mystery set in Paris. Paris makes for...
Fiction set in Paris (a story of lost youth…)
12th December 2016
In the Café of Lost Youth by Patrick Modiano, fiction set in Paris. You know...
Novel set in London, Paris, and Marseilles, plus Talking Location With … author John Tagholm
24th November 2016
A Girl Called Flotsam by John Tagholm, novel set in London, Paris, and Marseilles. Beatrice...
Talking location with Lynne Shelby – Paris
9th November 2016
#TalkingLocationWith… Author Lynne Shelby who takes us to her Paris and shares her top...
Novel set in Paris, Zurich, and London of the early 20th Century
30th August 2016
The Joyce Girl by Annabel Abbs, novel set in Paris, Zurich and London of...