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  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Hong Kong
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Mystery
  • Era(s): Modern

Hong Kong is teetering on the edge of anarchy. Violent street battles are raging between riot police and mobs demanding democracy. Samuel Tay is a legendary Singapore homicide detective. He’s retired, but it was purely involuntary. It seems his...

The Ambassador’s Wife

The Ambassador’s Wife
  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Singapore
  • Genre(s): Thriller
  • Era(s): Modern

The first body is in Singapore, on a bed in an empty suite in the Marriott Hotel. The second in Bangkok, in a seedy apartment close to the American embassy. Both women. Both Americans. Both beaten viciously and shot...

The Nineteen

The Nineteen
  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Bangkok
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Thriller
  • Era(s): Turn 21st Century

In January 2000, nearly a dozen of Osama bin Laden’s most trusted lieutenants gathered secretly in Malaysia at, of all places, a luxurious condominium overlooking a Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course. The purpose of this summit meeting of terrorists was...

A World of Trouble

A World of Trouble
  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Bangkok, Dubai, Hong Kong
  • Genre(s): Thriller
  • Era(s): Modern

Jack Shepherd is sick of Washington politics, sick of corporate law, and even a little sick of himself. So he hits the road looking for a new start, makes a couple of wrong turns, and winds up in Hong...

Killing Plato

Killing Plato
  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Bangkok, Phuket
  • Genre(s): Thriller
  • Era(s): Modern

Welcome to Phuket. It s a paradise, for the rich, the beautiful and the heavily armed. When Jack Shepherd runs into international racketeer and fugitive Plato Karsarkis in a Phuket beach bar one night, little can he imagine the...

Laundry Man

Laundry Man
  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Hong Kong, Bangkok, Manila
  • Genre(s): Thriller
  • Era(s): Modern

Welcome to Bangkok. Bribery, corruption, money laundering and murder. They re not out to get you it s just how they do business. Once a high-flying international lawyer and renowned expert on global money laundering, the urbane and straight-shooting...

The Big Mango

The Big Mango
  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Bangkok
  • Genre(s): Thriller
  • Era(s): 1990s

From the Big Apple, to the Big Orange, to the Big Mango. It does have a kind of nutty logic to it. Bangkok is about as far as you can go without falling off the edge of the world,...

The King of Macau

The King of Macau
  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Macau (Macao), Hong Kong
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Thriller
  • Era(s): Modern

JACK SHEPHERD IS THE kind of lawyer some people call a troubleshooter. At least that’s what they call him when they’re being polite. Shepherd is the guy people go to when they have a problem too ugly to tell...

And Brother It’s Starting to Rain

And Brother It’s Starting to Rain
  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Thailand, Washington DC
  • Genre(s): Crime, Thriller

Inspector Samuel Tay has retired from Singapore CID so he’s no longer actually a police inspector. It wasn’t entirely his idea, but that’s another story. John August is a guy who has saved Tay’s butt more than once over...

Don’t Get Caught

Don’t Get Caught
  • Author(s): Jake Needham
  • Location(s): Thailand
  • Genre(s): Crime, Thriller

Jack Shepherd is the kind of lawyer people call a troubleshooter. At least that’s what they call him when they’re being polite. Shepherd is the guy people go to when they have a problem too ugly to tell anyone...

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