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The Good Doctor of Warsaw

The Good Doctor of Warsaw
  • Author(s): Elisabeth Gifford
  • Location(s): Warsaw
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Historical
  • Era(s): 1930s/1940s

‘You do not leave a sick child alone to face the dark and you do not leave a child at a time like this.’ Deeply in love and about to marry, students Misha and Sophia flee a Warsaw under...

Saying Goodbye to Warsaw

Saying Goodbye to Warsaw
  • Author(s): Michael Cargill
  • Location(s): Warsaw
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Historical
  • Era(s): 1940

Like any girl who is loved by her family, Abigail Nussbaum loves to chase butterflies, enjoys lying on her back looking for shapes in the clouds, and happily teaches young children to make daisy chains. In the eyes of...

Spies of Warsaw

Spies of Warsaw
  • Author(s): Alan Furst
  • Location(s): Warsaw
  • Genre(s): Thriller
  • Era(s): 1937

Warsaw in the late 1930s,the looming menace of Hitler’s Germany on one side and Stalin’s Russia on the other. Colonel Mercier is a French military attache based in Warsaw, and is given the task to discover how, if war...

Daughters of Warsaw

Daughters of Warsaw
  • Author(s): Maria Frances
  • Location(s): Warsaw, Seattle
  • Genre(s): Historical, Fiction
  • Era(s): 1942 and modern

In a world torn apart by war, she’ll risk her life to save them. 1942, Warsaw Young Zofia finds herself leading a double life when she is enlisted to help the fearless Irena Sendler save hundreds of Jewish children...


  • Author(s): Zygmunt Miłoszewski
  • Location(s): Warsaw
  • Genre(s): Crime, Fiction
  • Era(s): early 2000s

The morning oafter a gruelling group therapy session, Henry Talek is found dead, a roasting spit stuck in his eye. The case lands on the desk of Warsaw prosecutor Teodor Szacki. World-weary and suffering from bureaucratic exhaustion and marital...

Ghetto Fights, The : Warsaw 1943-45

Ghetto Fights, The : Warsaw 1943-45
  • Author(s): Marek Edelman
  • Location(s): Warsaw
  • Era(s): 1943-45

This remarkable memoir by Marek Edelman, member of the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance five-person command team, tells first-hand of the struggle of Warsaw’s Jews against the Nazis in the spring of 1943. Features a new introduction by John Rose, author...

I Saw A Beautiful Woodpecker: The Diary of a Young Boy at the Outbreak World War II

I Saw A Beautiful Woodpecker: The Diary of a Young Boy at the Outbreak World War II
  • Author(s): Michał Skibiński, Ala Bankroft (Illustrator)
  • Location(s): Warsaw
  • Genre(s): Children
  • Era(s): 1939

It is the summer of 1939 in Warsaw, Poland and Michal is an eight-year-old boy just finishing his school year. In order to improve his handwriting, Michal’s teacher gives him a simple assignment: keep a journal, writing one sentence...


  • Author(s): Andrzej Stasiuk, Bill Johnston (translator)
  • Location(s): Warsaw
  • Genre(s): Crime, Fiction, In Translation
  • Era(s): Contemporary

Pawel, a young Polish businessman, is in trouble; in debt to loan sharks his only hope lies with former friends, many of whom are now prominent in Warsaw’s drug-dealing underground. Embarking on a desperate fool’s-gold chase through the city’s...


  • Author(s): Isaac Bashevis Singer
  • Location(s): Warsaw
  • Genre(s): Fiction, Historical
  • Era(s): 1930s

It is Warsaw in the 1930s. Aaron Greidinger is an aspiring young writer and the son of a rabbi, who struggles to be true to his art when he is faced with the chance of riches and a passport...

The Black Madonna of Derby

The Black Madonna of Derby
  • Author(s): Joanna Czechowska
  • Location(s): Derby, Krakow, Warsaw
  • Genre(s): Fiction
  • Era(s): 1960s, 1970s

Three generations of a Polish immigrant family are living in Derby in 1964 when the grandmother decides she wants to return to her homeland to make peace with her relatives and await death. Her war-traumatised daughter remains in Derby...

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