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Whatever it Takes

Whatever it Takes
  • Author(s): Adele Parks
  • Location(s): Dartmouth, London
  • Genre(s): Fiction
  • Era(s): Modern

Eloise Hamilton is a Londoner born and bred, so it is a momentous day when she reluctantly agrees to uproot to Dartmouth, leaving behind her perfect world so her husband can finally live in his. There are compensations, however....

Death Ship of Dartmouth

Death Ship of Dartmouth
  • Author(s): Michael Jecks
  • Location(s): Dartmouth
  • Genre(s): Crime, Thriller
  • Era(s): Medieval

In Dartmouth, a man is found lying dead in the road. But the inhabitants of this little haven dismiss his death as a drunken accident, their attention turned to more worrying matters – piracy. A ship, the St John,...

Shadows of Conflict

Shadows of Conflict
  • Author(s): Jennifer Bohnet
  • Location(s): Dartmouth, The South of France (Le Midi)
  • Genre(s): Fiction
  • Era(s): Modern (with references to WW2)

When Katie, redundant from her media job, accepts Mattie’s offer to take over her shop, A Good Yarn, in Dartmouth, she expects her life to be busy and unexciting. But with an American film crew in town intent on...

The Merchant’s House

The Merchant’s House
  • Author(s): Kate Ellis
  • Location(s): Dartmouth, Dorset
  • Genre(s): Mystery
  • Era(s): Modern

Detective Sergeant (and amateur archaeologist) Wesley Peterson hoped that a transfer from the lively but frantic pace of London to the bucolic river port of Tradmouth would have a positive effect on both his personal and professional lives. But...

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