Blogs in April 2024

Bad Ground 27th April 2024

Dido Book knocked on Dan Trix’s door in Sarasota. Dido was a home handyman Trix met while doing expert witness work for the Jonsons in Lincoln, NE. Marietta Jonson had been killed and Trix was a consultation for the...

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Legionary: The Emperor’s Shield 17th February 2023

Easier to split the sky, than part a soldier from his blade. 386 AD. The Eastern Roman Empire faces a trident of threats. The Gothic truce grows unstable. The standoff with Persia escalates. And the ambitions of the usurper...

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This Is Our Undoing 31st August 2021

Could you condemn one child to save another? In a near-future Europe fracturing under climate change and far-right politics, biologist Lina Stephenson works in the remote Rila Mountains, safely away from London State. When an old enemy dies, Lina’s...

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In the Town of Joy and Peace 9th December 2020

Women of action and obstinacy live and struggle with brutality, humour, tenderness and frustration in Radomir, Bulgaria, the Town of Joy and Peace. All inhabit a society where lowness, trickery, networking and criminality rule at numerous levels. They face...

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Legionary: The Blood Road (Legionary 7) 18th May 2020

A tale of adventure and military brotherhood in the legions of Rome 381 AD: The Gothic War draws to a brutal climax, and the victor’s name will be written in blood… The great struggle between the Eastern Roman Empire...

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