Blogs in June 2020

The Roots of Heaven 26th June 2020

The Roots of Heaven takes as its subject the deliberate and relentless hunting and killing of elephants for their ivory. Morel, a former dentist whose survival in a Nazi concentration camp he attributes to his fixation on the freedom...

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Under Chad’s Spell 11th February 2020

Charlene, a 23-year-old from chilly Minnesota, volunteers to go to Chad, Africa with the Peace Corps in the turbulent 1970s. Young and full of ideals, she hopes to ease the lives of Chadians, but worries about what prompted her—inexperienced...

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A Teenager in the Chad Civil War 11th February 2020

Recent years have found much of Africa to be a land of turmoil and revolution. Distress in the Sudan and countries, such as Rwanda, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone and Liberia have made Africa the sight of a variety of...

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Shadows across the Sahara 11th February 2020

Riding Pasha, his beloved white camel, John Hare set out from the shrinking shores of Lake Chad with 25 camels, 4 Tuaregs, a Chinese professor, a white Kenyan rancher and a young Englishman. His objective: to reach Tripoli, following...

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