Blogs in January 2020

Blood On The Tracks: A Rail Journey From Angola To Mozambique 22nd January 2020

Taking in three civil wars, five countries, and a couple of rain forests, this is a guide to the history of Africa. Tracing the route of the colonial railway which spans the African continent through Angola, Zaire, Zambia and...

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The Pink Elephants 18th December 2018

Problems are mounting in the Masaibu project – Can Sam Harris solve them all or will she have to choose? Geologist Sam Harris gets a call in the middle of the night that takes her to the Masaibu project...

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Doomed Spy 29th May 2018

From Leopoldville, to Antwerp to the quiet South American capital of Montevideo, Uruguay, Doomed Spy is a psychological spy thriller set in an unconventional distant posting at the height of the Cold War. At the center of the intrigue...

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Conflicts of Interest 2nd October 2017

A gripping story of moral compromise and betrayal in the South of France where the political elite of Britain and France spend their summer holidays. Two journalists take different paths in life. Martin becomes a PR for politicians and...

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Heart of Darkness 9th July 2017

River steamboat captain Charles Marlow has set forth on the Congo in Africa to find the enigmatic European trader Mr. Kurtz. Preceded by his reputation as a brilliant emissary of progress, Kurtz has now established himself as a god...

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