Blogs in January 1970

Bye Bye Babylon 1st January 1970

In 1975 I was seven years old, and loved the Bazooka bubble-gums my mother would buy for Walid and me in Spinney’s supermarket… Beirut in the 1970s is a paradise. Wealthy families ride escalators and fill shopping carts with...

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Jerusalem: The Biography 1st January 1970

“The History of Jerusalem is the History of the World”, states the author. A tremendous history of this unique city, from conquering forces of the Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians, through to the Romans, and subsequently the arrival of Christianity...

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House of Stone (Anthony Shadid) 1st January 1970

Anthony Shadid tells of the family history and generations who lived in the home at Marjayoun, Lebanon. The estate was built by his great-grandfather, and the author returns to Marjayoun to rebuild this home for himself, his family and...

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Inshallah 1st January 1970

The novel tells of the problems of the Englishman and the Saudi woman who fall in love in a country where the strict Moslem laws make it illegal for a Christian man and Moslem woman to meet. The reaction...

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LineUp 1st January 1970

Due out 2014

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