Blogs in March 2018

The Perfectly Imperfect Woman 13th March 2018

Marnie Salt has made so many mistakes in her life that she fears she will never get on the right track. But when she ‘meets’ an old lady on a baking chatroom and begins confiding in her, little does...

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A Death in the Dales 10th March 2018

A murder most foul When the landlord of a Yorkshire tavern is killed in plain sight, Freda Simonson, the only witness to the crime, becomes plagued with guilt, believing the wrong man has been convicted. Following her death, it...

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All Teachers Wise and Wonderful 9th March 2018

Book 2 in there series After two years in the job, Andy Seed returns to Cragthwaite brimming with confidence and looking forward to a year that is bound to bring its own rewards, as well as its share of...

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All Teachers Great and Small 9th March 2018

Dear Mr Seed, I am sorry that are Jack was not at school yesterday. He put on such a groth spurt in the night that nun of his clowthes fitted im next morning so I had to take him...

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Behind The Scenes At The Museum 1st January 2018

Ruby Lennox was conceived grudgingly by Bunty and born while her father, George, was in the Dog and Hare in Doncaster telling a woman in an emerald dress and a D-cup that he wasn’t married. Bunty had never wanted...

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