Blogs in January 2020

Martin Kacur: The Biography of an Idealist 17th January 2020

The novel Martin Kačur, which dates from 1907, tells the engrossing story of a young schoolteacher who moves from one provincial Slovene town to the next, trying to enlighten his countrymen and countrywomen but instead receiving only the mistrust...

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Crumbs 17th January 2020

Egon is an amoral but charismatic writer, living on the breadline in a grim, unnamed communist factory town in Slovenia prior to the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. With little evidence of his real literary ambitions, he makes ends...

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I Saw Her That Night 17th January 2020

I Saw Her That Night, a love story in time of war, is a novel about a few years in the life and mysterious disappearance of Veronika Zarnik, a young bourgeois woman from Ljubljana, sucked into the whirlwind of...

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The German Lottery 17th January 2020

We were facing each other, completely soaked. Thank you! I nodded. Comrade, a postman is always ready to help. That s nice to hear. I straightened my uniform and put the bag over my shoulder. Do you come round...

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Painted Hives 17th January 2020

A fast-moving page turner in the YA category, this book will appeal to a wide spectrum of readers regardless of age. Travel to Slovenia and experience the intriguing adventure of Wilber Jansen: The strange and vivid dream that Wilber...

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