Blogs in January 1970

The Villa Golitsyn 1st January 1970

The story of a British Foreign Office official, who visits a schoolfriend – now living in the South of France. It has been a suspicion that the friend was not altogether clean whilst work for the Government, so is...

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Thirty-Five Minutes from St Tropez 1st January 1970

On a vineyard in sunny Provence, Richard and Helen make plans to celebrate their ruby wedding anniversary. Meanwhile, romance is in the air for Joanna, Helen’s recently widowed sister and for their teenage grandchildren. Grandson, Joseph, is enjoying life...

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The Winter Ghosts 1st January 1970

1928 – Frederick Watson crashes his car in a snowstorm in the foothills of the Pyrenees. He believes he hears a woman’s voice: ‘The Winter Ghosts’. He abandons his car and walks down the hillside path to the small...

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A Maid of Kent 1st January 1970

Sophie, a successful interior designer, finds herself falling for Nick, a naval pilot, but is he too scarred by events he witnessed in the Falkland Islands? Is the sensitive and down to earth Greg, a friend since childhood, the...

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Taking Root in Provence 1st January 1970

They agreed on one thing before retiring-they would travel, sniff around at other countries and other lifestyles, and discover along the way which place came closest to “having it all.” There they would drop anchor and go with the...

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