Crime thriller set in NORTH NORWAY
Novel set in Pasadena and New York (the ‘Pollyanna’ of Pasadena)
21st December 2014
Autobiography of Us by Aria Beth Sloss, novel set in Pasadena and New York.
Rebecca in her mid teens has high expectations of her life. She has ambition, drive and commitment to carving out a career for herself, in an era where women rarely went beyond housewife or secretary. This is Mad Men country mid 20th Century.
Since the age of 14 she has had a good friend Alex, from the richer side of town, who is a foil to Rebecca’s bookishness, a shining light on the stage, and a beauty to boot. Theirs is a friendship of ups and downs, sunbathing and pleasure, and rubbing along as young women do. But it has a fraught basis that struggles to sustain their future connection.
Rebecca’s Mother is keen for her to become a socially adept young woman, but Rebecca has other notions until she is bounced out of the study programme she is determined to follow. Life takes a different turn and begins to unravel as she finds herself living in New York with a husband who is really not on board with the marriage.
Alex and Rebecca have over the years become estranged but Rebecca has written many letters to Alex, none of them ever sent. She pours her heart and soul out to her. They do, however, meet up again – unlikely as though it may seem – and the story shifts a gear.
But the whole story, from intense teenage friendship to charting the path to mature womanhood is a well worn one and this is a fairly bland portrayal. Much like the colour of the cover, the book is a little on the lacklustre side, readable but may well fade with time.
America of the 1960s and 1970s is well sketched out – the race riots, Vietnam, civil rights movement and the rise of feminism.
Tina for the TripFiction Team
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Thank you Aditi3991. Having a great 2015!
“Readable but may well fade with time”. I feel really inspired from your style of writing, Tina 🙂