Perfect Imperfections by Taryn Leigh
- Book: Perfect Imperfections
- Location: South Africa
- Author: Taryn Leigh
Sarah Lewis has been through the mill, her marriage has broken down and she is upping sticks leaving her life in London to return home to South Africa to heal. Returning to her roots and best friend Katy, Sarah slowly starts to let the walls come down and let those she loves in. Piece by piece Sarah starts to heal and prepare herself for facing the past she has run away from.
This is a genteel wee book, from the beginning we know Sarah is running from something in her life, from her failed marriage and hints at more. Instead of being a deadly secret or anything dark like that it is more echos of the issues surrounding every day relationships and ordinary lives which will connect with many readers. Failed relationships, rekindling friendships of old, healing after the breakdown of a marriage, betrayal and just trying to rebuild yourself.
It is a journey of self discovery and growth, appreciating things in your life that may have been over looked because you have been caught up with other aspects of your life. Self healing, support, friendship, love and learning to embrace the lessons from life and positively move on. It really is a beautiful story, slow burning and a prime example of how the darkest times in your life can lead to brighter new beginnings. Sometimes you read a book and something just clicks, for me I found the most perfectly apt quote: “Darkness cannot drive away darkness, only light can do that”.
If you enjoy book locations, when we travel to South Africa the settings and descriptions of some of the area are breath taking. It is not somewhere I have ever been nor likely to get to however from the scenery is brought to life from the pages you can envision the beauty as if you were there with the characters. Locations aren’t always a huge factor or notable part of books I am reading but it was so vivid at times in this one it is absolutely worthy of note. Perfect Imperfections is the perfect book to immerse yourself in by a poolside or curled up indoors, 4/5 for me. This is my first time reading this author, this is her debut novel , I would read her again. Thanks so much to Deryl in the NotRights club and the author for providing me with a review copy, all views as always are my own.