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A Killer’s Christmas in Wales

A Killer’s Christmas in Wales

Author(s): Elizabeth J Duncan

Location(s): Conwy

Genre(s): Crime

Era(s): Modern



In the quaint Conwy area of North Welsh a village is in full swing in the run up to Christmas. But homes are being robbed and there is a swindler targetting elderly women out of their lifesavings. Penny Brannigan, amateur detective, has an expensive brooch stolen on the day she is preparing to open her new salon. Who did push Harry Saunders from the ramparts of Conwy Castle? Another murder and Penny realises she, too, is in danger…

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It is delightful to read about all the real places and details and it really feels like the author has captured a snowy Christmas in the Conwy Valley perfectly. – BookReviewer£ –

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