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An Italian Island Secret

Author(s): Victoria Springfield

Location(s): Ischia

Genre(s): Fiction, Romance

Era(s): Contemporary looking back to 1950s

It’s time to return to the island…

Alessia knows her grandmother grew up on the beautiful Italian island of Ischia, off the coast from Naples. But Ornella seldom talks about her life there – or why she never went back.

So Alessia is amazed when Ornella reveals that as a young woman, she had worked on the set of a famous 1950s movie filmed on the island. Is there a link between the film set and the tragic death of Ornella’s teenage sister?

Ornella has kept her past – and the life-changing promise she made – a secret for over sixty years. She has tried not to think about the love she gave up. But now, perhaps the truth should finally be revealed…

Travelling to Ischia together, Alessia falls in love with the captivating island. Meeting handsome journalist Roberto helps her dig deeper into her family’s past, too. Just what happened to Ornella’s sister? What heart-wrenching secret is her grandmother hiding?

This summer, can Alessia and Ornella put the past to rest and find the happy ending they both deserve?

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