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Atomic Love

Atomic Love

Author(s): Jennie Fields

Location(s): Chicago

Genre(s): Fiction, Romance, Thriller

Era(s): 1950s

Chicago, 1950: Rosalind Porter is unfulfilled, heartbroken and angry.

Five years ago her career as a scientist was sabotaged by the man who also broke her heart: former Manhattan Project colleague Thomas Weaver.

Now, out of the blue, Thomas gets back in touch: he urgently needs to see her.

Rosalind is wary, can she let him back into her life and risk being hurt all over again?

But then someone changes her mind – FBI agent Charlie Szydlo.

He suspects Thomas of selling atomic secrets to Russia, and he needs her help to find out the truth.

But is it the truth about what Thomas might have done or the truth about his feelings for her that really matters? And at the back of her mind is Charlie – a good man whose pain she is drawn to healing.

Torn between two men, Rosalind faces a heartbreaking choice . . .

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