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Before I go to Sleep

Before I go to Sleep

Author(s): S J Watson

Location(s): London

Genre(s): Thriller

Era(s): Modern



Christine Lucas is a 47 year old amnesiac, living with her husband, Ben. He explains to her that the reason that every time she goes to sleep, she looses her memory is because of a hit and run accident. She is supported by Dr Nash, who encourages her to keep a diary so she has some written evidence from the memory of the day before, and he encourages her to keep this a secret from her husband, as her husband is despondent at the lack of progress she has been making – even with the help of the medical profession. Things are, however, not what they seem.

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This is a memorable and chilling thriller with twists and turns along the way that keep you glued. – Tallulah –

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