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Cave of Silence

Cave of Silence

Author(s): Kostas Krommydas

Location(s): Dodecanese Islands

Genre(s): Mystery, Romance

Era(s): 1940-today

Dimitri, a young actor, is enjoying the lucky break of his life—a part in an international production shot on an idyllic Greek island and a romance with Anita, his beautiful co-star. When his uncle dies, he has one last wish: that Dimitri scatters his ashes on the island of his birthplace. At first, Dimitri welcomes this opportunity to shed some light on his family’s history—a history clouded in secrecy. But why does his mother beg him to hide his identity once there?

Dimitri discovers that the past casts long shadows onto the present when his visit sparks a chain of events that gradually reveal the island’s dark secrets; secrets kept hidden for far too long. Based on true events, the Cave Of Silence moves seamlessly from WW2 to the present days to spin a tale of love, passion, betrayal, and cruelty. Dimitris and Anita may be done with the past. But is the past done with them?

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