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City Secrets: London

City Secrets: London

Author(s): Tim Adams, Robert Kahn

Location(s): London

Genre(s): Travelogue

Era(s): Modern

Something a little different. From the Publisher’s Blog:
Take a car or a cab to Elizabeth Street in Belgravia, where you will ?nd a lot of what you need to nourish body and soul. At Jeroboams, pick up some good bread and cheese and a bottle of better-than-average white burgundy: a 1996 Meursault would do ?ne. While the cab is waiting, nip into Henry Stokes’s bookshop at No. 58, a small, village-like affair, but with a well-chosen stock of current titles. Buy something. In the same street, Tomtom Cigars will sell you a Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2. Now divert the cab to Fulham Road, where you will ?nd the world’s best newsagent, Fulham News. Buy an armful of your favourite papers and magazines, then have yourself dropped at the Chelsea Bridge entrance to Battersea Park. I love Battersea Park because of its oddness: it was built on spoil from the excavation of the Royal Docks, and asparagus was cultivated here.

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