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Author(s): Elizabeth Ducie

Location(s): Brazil

Genre(s): Fiction, Thriller

Era(s): Contemporary

“Brazil really comes to life with a trip to Iguazu Falls, the Mardi Gras and the yachts on the marina…” says book reviewer Anne Williams about the book 

Athletes fight for no apparent reason. A sprinter disappears – no-one knows why, no-one knows where. Is a new health drink to blame? Regulator turned investigator, Suzanne Jones, flies to Sao Paulo to check it out – and finds herself the centre of threats. Suzanne’s sister, Charlie, is also in Brazil, chasing counterfeiter Michael Hawkins to make him pay for the pain and suffering he’s caused. It’s Mardi Gras in Rio – and danger stalks the streets. New Friends. An old adversary. Faces and voices from the past. Will it all be too much for the Jones sisters to handle? (The second in the Suzanne Jones series, set in the sometimes murky world of international pharmaceuticals.)

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