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Denial – The Varcolac Journals

Denial – The Varcolac Journals

Author(s): Adele Carrington

Location(s): Leeds, Whitby

Genre(s): Fantasy

Era(s): Modern



“I hate my life! After careful consideration and contemplation involving far too much alcohol I am resigned to the fact that I hate my life. I am a single thirty-one year old woman, living alone in my two bed terrace on the outskirts of Leeds. I have no job and three failed relationships, the last ending when the bastard bit me, seriously, this guy drew blood.”

Faith Thomlinson’s life isn’t living up to expectations, her dull monotonous life has been interrupted by the wealthy enigmatic Jonathan. It’s a shame that he isn’t all he seems, or is that he is more than he seems? Jonathan holds a bloody secret that will endanger Faith’s life and challenge everything she thinks she knows.

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A truly British book that takes you on page turning journey of Denial

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