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Her Sister’s Secret

Her Sister’s Secret

Author(s): S E Lynes

Location(s): Dorset, Scotland

Genre(s): Crime, Thriller

Era(s): Contemporary



Why would you pretend your life is a dream when you’re living a nightmare?

I thought my sister was happy. I thought what we all thought: that Annie and Dom led perfect lives in a lovely cottage in a quiet village by the sea, with flowers at the front gate and an apple tree in the garden. Everyone knew them: generous, loving Dom, creative, joyful Annie.

But I never saw Annie as she sat waiting for Dom well into the night. I didn’t see her smiling through her tears. I didn’t know what the perfect couple were hiding.

So when sirens break the silence of the night and flames rise against the dark sky, and I get the call I never expected, I’m left with a simple burning question: who was to blame?

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