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It Happened in Tuscany

Author(s): Gail Mencini

Location(s): Tuscany, Denver

Genre(s): Fiction, Historical

Era(s): WW2 + Contemporary



It Happened in Tuscany is a captivating breath of the Italian countryside. This powerful novel portrays the epic struggle between duty and honor and redefines the meaning of “family.”

The novel begins in 1945 in Italy’s Apennine Mountains with a nighttime assault by the U.S. Army troops who ultimately captured the heavily fortified peaks surrounding Mount Belvedere. Seventeen-year-old Will Mills, one of these U.S. soldiers, was wounded and rescued by Italian partisans.

After the war, Will’s wartime actions and decisions haunt him and turn him into a bitter man.

With few clues and the passage of time working against him, Will travels to Tuscany to search for the partisan who saved his life 75 years ago. His unlikely companion on this journey, thirty-two-year-old Sophie Sparke, is all alone in the world and seeks an escape from a life where everything is going wrong.

During their search through the towns and countryside of Tuscany, Will and Sophie embrace the Italian food, wine, and people, celebrate the irrepressible power of love, and redefine what constitutes a family.

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Author: tripfiction

The book opens as a platoon, during WW2, is fighting for survival at Riva Ridge in the Apennines. Will Mills is one of those men, he gets wounded and is rescued by a young...

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