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Author(s): Sybille Bedford

Location(s): Europe, French Riviera (Cote d'Azur)

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs

Era(s): WW1 - WW2



This book describes the childhood of Billi, a girl growing up in Europe between the wars. When her father dies, she swaps life in a run-down German chateau for an exhilarating existence with her beautiful, talented and unreliable mother on the French Riviera.
Sent away to England for schooling, the gypsy-like Billi ricochets between short-lived tutors and a life of reading, friends and public lectures. Returning to the Mediterranean, her unorthodox education – intellectual, emotional and sexual – continues among the vibrant community of artists, exiles and intellectuals who have colonised the coast, coaxing her towards a life of literature.

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A deliciously evoked return to worlds, and a Europe, now almost vanished; it will ravish connoisseurs of the lost. John Fowles –

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