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Little Culinary Triumphs

Little Culinary Triumphs

Author(s): Pascal Pujol

Location(s): Montmartre

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Modern



Sandrine Cordier works in an office, but her daily routine is in no way as dull. Sandrine is a volcanic woman, full of ideas and energy, and a world-class cook who wants to open her own restaurant. An opportunity arises when she meets Antoine Lacuenta, an unemployed professor looking for new life goals. With a master plan that one could only call Machiavellian, Sandrine includes Antoine in her venture. Things proceed smoothly until Sandrine accidentally discovers a shady newspaper operation that will lead her to flush out the news magnate Marcel Lacarriere and his many scandals.

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Author: tripfiction

Little Culinary Triumphs is a debut novel by Pascale Pujol – and it is an impressive one. It starts almost as a series of short stories, with diverse characters in different situations. Then, a...

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