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Love and the Goddess

Love and the Goddess

Author(s): Mary Elizabeth Coen

Location(s): Brazil, Galway, Peru

Genre(s): Fiction, Romance

Era(s): Modern

When cookery teacher Kate Canavan’s perfect life falls apart she moves to Galway City. Kate’s friend James urges her to love and nurture herself, but mischievous Ella persuades her to dust off her unused dating skills. So Kate explores the world of on- line dating using the name of a Greek Goddess. In the midst of a mad dating frenzy, Kate has a traumatic health scare which convinces her to drop everything and go in search of a guru. Travelling with Ella, she visits a spiritual healer in Brazil, only to find Ella is more interested in having fun than seeking enlightenment. Next stop Peru, where a shaman tells her how to harness the energy of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine. Kate’s journey of self-discovery continues apace after she returns home and events unfold in a surprising manner as she learns to think for herself.

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Comparisons are made between Eat Pray Love. The Ultimate travel novel. It is certainly heartwarming and loved ‘being’ in South America

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