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Author(s): Lisa Marie Mercer

Location(s): Colorado, France, United States (USA)

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): 2001, 1940s

When Mariel, a New York physical therapist loses her father, a former 10th Mountain Division member, to the 9/11 attacks, she discovers that he has left her his stockholder shares to the Loveland Ski Area. Mariel and her husband Jonathan purchase a Colorado physical therapy clinic, with the understanding that Jonathan will keep his New York job until they are certain of the clinic’s success. Jonathan plans to visit every month, but when he discovers that Vicki, his former lover is involved with the Committee to Rebuild the World Trade Center, he joins the cause, and his Colorado visits become less frequent. Meanwhile, in Colorado, documentary filmmaker and Loveland ski instructor David La Vecchia wants Mariel to help him make a film about her father’s life. Then, Mariel’s brother sends her a packet of letters sent to their father by Kate, a former Women’s Army Corps member who trained with their father at Camp Hale, and is currently working at Loveland. Kate and Mariel meet, and Mariel slowly learns the secrets of her father’s past.

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