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Lure to Death: The Social Media Serial Kille

Lure to Death: The Social Media Serial Kille

Author(s): Blair London

Location(s): West Virginia

Genre(s): Crime, Suspense

Era(s): Modern Day

Sandy Bean, being a “string bean” in high school, is bullied by fellow classmates. He is on to discovering something ingenious that could make him millions, but his classmates destroy the lab. He tried the experiment at home and something goes wrong, a fire occurs. His parents die in the fire and he blames this on his classmates. A reunion is coming up and he plots to get revenge.

Learning all kinds of viral marketing, Sandy, or later as he names himself Conan, becomes “The Social Network Killer” as he has learned how to target specific people. Using special software that he has created, he is able to scrape specific information to locate certain individuals by what they put on various social networking sites. He also creates voice-recognition software that when he speaks a name, it gives him all kinds of information on that person.

As he targets each of his victims, and tortures them, he then kills them.

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