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Memories & Secrets

Memories & Secrets

Author(s): Diane Winger

Location(s): Colorado

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Modern

Revealing a secret may be liberating, yet some secrets can never be disclosed.

A year after her husband died, Deborah is still deeply torn over her role in his death, but she can’t confide in anyone without breaking a solemn promise. Her granddaughter, Ashley, is no longer the cheerful, confident tomboy Deborah remembers. Ashley has secrets of her own. The death of a student at her high school has cut her to the core for reasons she has kept hidden.

Neither of these two family members expected their summer visit to be transformative, but life is sometimes full of surprises. In this novel filled with sadness and laughter, with fear and courage, two people turn to love to lift them beyond their painful memories and secrets.

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