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Miami Noir

Miami Noir

Author(s): Les Standiford

Location(s): Miami

Genre(s): Crime, Short Stories

Era(s): Various



A host of new noir talents reveal the dark and delicious side of paradise. From its earliest days as a raw-boned settlement to the contemporary landscape of palms, towering condos and bikinis, Miami has always been a beacon for law-abiders and law-breakers alike. This work includes brand new stories by: James W. Hall, Barbara Parker, John Dufresne, Paul Levine, Carolina Garcia-Aguilera, Tom Corcoran, Christine Kling, George Tucker, Kevin Allen, Anthony Dale Gagliano, Dabid Beaty, Vicki Kendricks, John Bond, Preston Allen, Lynne Barrett and Jeffrey Wehr.

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“The truth is that Miami, though naturally lovely, is a frontier town, perched on the border between the known and the rarely before experienced. This is where the new arrivals debark these days, and...

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