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My Bermuda Namesakes

My Bermuda Namesakes

Author(s): Maggie Fogarty

Location(s): Bermuda

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Contemporary

After stepping into the path of a motorcycle, Josie James – known as ‘JJ’ to her friends – is left with virtually no short term memory.
Her daily journal is the only way to remember what she did yesterday.
When JJ gets the opportunity to travel to the beautiful Atlantic island of Bermuda for specialist brain treatment, it seems like a dream come true.
What better way to make new friends than to seek out her ‘namesakes’, the two other Josie James’ living on the island?
Yet this new-found happiness turns quickly into a nightmare as JJ stands accused of a crime she didn’t commit.
All the forensic evidence, including CCTV, says she did it,
Let’s face it the camera never lies.
Or does it?

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