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Noblesse Oblige

Author(s): Lynne Connolly

Location(s): Scarborough

Genre(s): Historical, Romance

Era(s): Turn of the 18th Century



A Regency romance.

When Marianne Noble, a lady’s companion, visits the fashionable northern spa of Scarborough with her employer, she meets a man who attracts her instantly. However, a lady only just the right side of thirty with no dowry would have no chance with a man as prosperous and handsome as Jerome Rivers, so she accepts his friendship with alacrity.
Jerome is immediately smitten by the lovely and intelligent Marianne. He determines to win her, but when he tells her he is a little more than a mister, he fears she may not want the responsibilities that go with the title of duke. However, a courageous Marianne decides she will take a chance on love.
More problems arise when the shadowy character haunting Jerome begins to make more definite appearances and a vague threat nearly ends any chance of happiness they may have. With her husband in peril of losing his life, Marianne must draw on all her courage to combat the person threatening her future.

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Class and money, intrigue and romance, all come together in this novel (incidentally set in Yorkshire) – Scarborough to be precise which was a very fashionable resort in the Regency period.

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