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One Kiss in Havana

One Kiss in Havana

Author(s): Michelle Walsh Jackson

Location(s): Dublin, Havana

Genre(s): Fiction, Romance

Era(s): Modern



Emma, Louise and Sophie are sisters. Talented, artistic and creative, they have a lot in common especially when it comes to men. When Emma receives two tickets to Cuba in the post from her late husband she is more than surprised. She decides to take her sister Sophie along in his place not realising that he had always intended Sophie to go. Louise hankers for her lost love Jack Duggan. She trudges through her suburban life with husband Donal while her sisters soak up the Caribbean sunshine. But a chance encounter with the love from her past means that she will have plenty to deal with in Dublin while her sisters are away. Meanwhile, in Cuba, Emma meets Che Guevara lookalike Felipe and Sophie meets Greg, a Canadian art dealer. Against the backdrop of Salsa music, rum cocktails and balmy tropical nights, the girls have no idea what One Kiss in Havana will lead to …

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I understand the author does visit her chosen locations and in this book I got totally caught up in the descriptions of Havana. A wowser.

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